Health and Safety Event Attendee Acknowledgement Form - American University

Please review and fill out this form in its entirety before attending an American University Alumni Association event. 

For events and activities on-campus, alumni and guests are required to abide by American University Health and Safety Directives and the District of Columbia public health and safety requirements ( For events occurring off-campus, event attendees are required to abide by American University Health and Safety Directives and their local and state public health and safety guidelines.

Accordingly, I agree to comply with the following rules: 
1. I do not knowingly have COVID-19 nor am I displaying symptoms that are consistent with a COVID-19 infection. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, please reschedule your visit: fever of 100.4 or above, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, muscle aches, new loss of taste or smell. (
2. I agree to comply with DC travel and testing requirements regarding COVID-19 ( 
3. Wear a face covering in all indoor spaces, consistent with the University’s Health and Safety Directive on Face Coverings. Face coverings are required while outdoors when in a group larger than 25 persons. Regardless, we strongly encourage all event attendees to wear a mask at all times during the event minus when eating and drinking. (
4. Practice good hygiene and infection control precautions such as frequent and thorough hand washing, covering my coughs and sneezes, and staying home if I am sick; 
5. Comply with all Health and Safety Directives issued by the University pursuant to the University’s Communicable Diseases Policy that may be issued and revised from time to time. These Directives and related policies are located at
6. Comply with all American University posted signage regarding health & safety guidelines. 
7. Guests at these events agree to accept any risk related to potential COVID-19 exposure, and they release American University of any liability as it relates to that risk. 
By checking the box below, I understand and agree that the safety of everyone on campus and off-campus events depends on my adherence to these rules. If I am a visitor to the university, I acknowledge that I may be restricted from accessing University premises for noncompliance.

Event Attendee Registration