Nominator Information (person submitting the form)

Nominee Information (person you'd like to nominate)

For a description of the awards, please see our Alumni Awards web page.

Please attach a 1-3 page statement establishing the candidate's qualifications as well as up to 3 letters of recommendation for the nominee. 

Allowable file types are image files, Microsoft Word (.doc and.docx), and PDF.


  • In addition to this online form, a nomination statement and at least one letter of recommendation are required.
  • Nominations should not exceed 10 total pages. 
  • The Awards Committee will not conduct independent research regarding nominees. 
  • The committee will only consider information when it is a part of a formal submission. 
  • The Awards Committee will not consider incomplete nominations. 
  • Please avoid uploading sensitive information (date of birth, Social Security Number, etc).  See our policies for more information.

NOTE: You can drag/drop files into the windows below, or you can click inside the window and select your file(s). 
IMPORTANT: Please click the "Send Files" button to submit each group of files. **You may need to scroll within the individual boxes to see the send button.



Please email [email protected] with questions.